When I work with the athletes and talk about toolboxes, I think helping them build tool belts that give them the arsenal. So when? Not if but when the headwind blows. Oh, I got this! I have agency over my destiny. I get to decide what’s next for me, (remove Petal’s sound) Yes, I’m gonna need help along the way and support, of course, but I’m not gonna let any setback, not making the team or that coach not liking me, determine my future.
— Kirsten

Sports Parenting podcast. Kirsten Jones and Susie Walton interview coaches, parents, athletes and trainers about everything youth sports. Kirsten and Susie bring a wealth of knowledge from combined decades of parenting athletes. They dive deep into topics that support raising athletes for life. #RaisingAthletes focuses on helping parents develop tools to put their kids in the best position possible.

Most myths that we have about parenting stem from the way we were raised as children and what we have heard or seen over the years. In Susie Walton’s book, Key to Personal Freedom: How Myths Affect Our Family Lives, Walton explores these old myths while shedding light on some new ideas about parenting. By illustrating new concepts with stories of her own experiences, she provides insight as well as practical tools that you can implement instantly into your home or classroom.
— Susie