• define goals, visions & missions as a team

  • clarify roles and Responsibilities

  • onboard new team members to move together faster and more efficiently

  • understand (though action) the benefits of clear communication

  • unify as one and build cohesive bonds to reach peak performance


Some of my successes in helping develop teams

  • I have led Nike teams at 3-day off-sites, which included snow-shoeing in Sun River, Or, in the middle of the night to help them learn the power of helping each other. it's amazing what insights are found on the other side of cold, tired and lost.

  • I have led Nike teams through 2-day off-sites which included geo-caching and treasure hunting in order to "buy" your supplies so your team could build a "pirate ship" and then sail it across the "ocean" (aka nike's company swimming pool!) first! (not everyone made it, btw)

  • I have led dozens of Nike teams through a 5-day process of gathering insights from a consumer, ideating what a solution would be for that consumer and having the team design a shoe that would solve that specific consumers problem (many of the designs that were creating in my program, were shoes that actually got made and sold at retail). All these outcomes show the power of communication, collaboration and clarity of vision.

  • I have led a CIF-Ranked high school volleyball team through a 3-hour series of exercises to understand the importance of open communication and collaboration. My message to teen girls also focuses on how "empowered women, empower women." When we support other women, we ourselves are so much stronger!  As someone who was severely hazed in high school, I am very passionate about supporting other women.

Corporate or Team Retreat

Do you have a Corporate Team or an athletic team who would benefit from getting aligned on the same goal? Do you not have a singular vision (as a team) which leads to a clear path to peak performance as either individuals or as a team.

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Let's do it together!

The Group Coaching Program is for you if you are the leader of a team or a coach of a team whose looking for some outside perspective to help get to the next level.

If You have peak performers on your team but they haven't figured out yet how to work together and could use insights/guidance on getting over hurdles such as mission, vision, values and  how "forming, storming & norming  can lead to peak performing."

The investment

These events are custom designed to your teams needs

Events range from a 1-Hour Team sesson ($300) to 2-3 day "off-site" location ($tbd)

Please inquire about how kirsten can help your team 

reach peak performance